

  • Land use consultation & Permaculture design  
Do you want to garden but are unsure where to start or if you have enough time? Or maybe you have a garden but want to increase its size and add to its diversity. Are pests, plant diseases or critters in the garden causing you to rethink your efforts?

Using natural, organic and sustainable methods -ROOTS is here to help!

Our goal is to assist in the transformation of your property into a productive, efficient and nurturing place that provides food and medicine with minimal input! Increase your home's efficiency, conserve water/resources and lead a more sustainable life.

We start by visiting the site and interviewing our client/s. During this time we observe and note the various aspects and key factors that move through your site. Asking you, and all parties involved, to be present and to identify needs, wants and visions for the design.

Package A:

Written Proposal Includes:

  • Summary of information expressed during interview
  • Key Observations - Plants, animals, structures, tools and events that currently makeup system
  • Zone Identification - Maps current patterns of activity and redesigns for increased efficiency
  • Sector Map - Soil, sunlight, wind, water and various patterns that makeup site
  • Plant/Site Selection - Choosing plants and their placement
  • Resource Guide -  Lists materials to be used and their various sources
  • Incremental Plan - Lays out, step by step, the implementation of the design
  • Maintenance - Identify best practices to maintain the health and balance of system. Our goal, always, is to work towards self maintaining systems that cut back on the amount of time you spend working and increase the amount you spend enjoying your property.

Package B:

Includes Package A +

Drawings of design
Maps of zones & sectors

- "We are nature.. designing and making conscious decisions as to how we want to live with ourselves, our land and within our communities."

  • Effective compost systems and compost teas 
  1. 34 million tons of food enters the waste stream every year. Of that, only 3% is recovered!
  2. 40 million tons of yard scraps (leaves, grass clippings, etc) enters the waste stream every year. Of that 20% is recovered!
If every household began composting, there would be a huge decrease in the amount of land we fill each year with compostable scraps.
Compost turns your waste into garden gold that supports healthy plants and a living, fertile soil. 

  • Foraging walks for wild edibles and herbal medicines.
Join as we take a walk identifying the abundance of food and medicine nature is continuously providing for us. During our sessions we will explore our surroundings and identify plants, their habitat, history and various uses.  Using our intuitive and instinctual abilities to guide us on our journey and let nature reveal her gifts. These identifications will also provide a wealth of information as to what our soil composition is. This is great to know if you are growing or plan on growing and want to know where you stand?

Future walks to be posted as they're scheduled. Please check back

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